Reader Reflection


1.Answer the following prompts with 1-3 complete sentences each.

2.What is the climax of this story?

3.What is the big question in the reader’s mind that is answered at the climax of the story?

3.The major type of conflict in this story is character vs. _______________. Why? Describe.

4.Describe how the narrator views Sheila. Do you agree? Are his perceptions about Sheila accurate?

5.Do you agree or disagree with what the narrator does on the last page of the story? Explain your answer.

6.What do you think the narrator learned about himself?


2) The climax is when he has to chose between the girl or the bass.He should have chosen the bass because the girl went and dumped him.  If he would have got the fish he would come out of that situation with something.

3)The big question in the readers mind is which path is he going to pick. The girl or the huge bass.

3) The conflict of the story is person vs self. He had to overercome his urge to catch the bass.

4)He thinks Sheila is beautiful with her freckles, her red hair, and her personality.

 5)Disagree because the girl leaves him anyway and he regrets cutting the line. I think he should have chosen the bass.

6)He made a bad decision and he should date girls his age. He  should also date girls with the same interests. He should also take all of the fishing stuff out of the boat before taking a girl on a date.


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